Non-Endoscopic Diagnostics | Hannah Evans

Background Image with Terracta Crosses Close up video of shoulder


We first met Marcel at Cyted three years ago as he was founding the business. Over the subsequent years, we engaged with numerous key members of the executive team and board. While most hires came through their internal network, it became evident that this approach had its limitations. As Cyted prepared to expand into the US and submitted their 510K, the need for a dedicated US team became apparent. Given our history of mutual support and networking, Cyted approached Hunter to spearhead the recruitment for their first US hire, the President. Despite competition against two SHREK firms, our tenacious approach and industry expertise secured us the search assignment.


As a first-time CEO and with Cyted venturing into the US market for the first time, it was crucial to adopt a consultative approach throughout the process. We worked closely with the Executive team and board, asking probing questions to discern the true requirements of the role. Recognizing the significance of this hire, we implemented additional qualification steps to ensure the selection of the most suitable candidate.


The complexity of the search demanded a candidate with robust commercial acumen to position the business for success, coupled with a comprehensive understanding of various facets of the company. This narrowed the pool primarily to former CEOs, requiring Hunter to meticulously vet candidates to ascertain their readiness to transition into this role. Cultural fit and thorough candidate evaluation were paramount, addressing any reservations promptly and effectively. Given the critical nature of the search, clear and comprehensive communication was imperative. We provided multiple data points and regularly updated stakeholders on the US market landscape, ensuring transparency and alignment throughout the process.


Following this search, it has also led to further searches in the UK and we will continue to build out the US team as Betsy joins the business. Betsy also referred Hunter to a trusted friend who recently started as CEO of a sequencing business and who will soon initiate several recruitment processes involving Hunter, including confidential Chief Commercial Officer and Chief Operations Officer positions.

Hannah Evans

Head of US – Research Tools and Diagnostics

Mobile: (617) 763-6258


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