Non-Executive Members (NEMs) – NHS Dorset (Dorset ICB)


Non-Executive Members (NEMs) – NHS Dorset (Dorset ICB)





Closing Date

November 18, 2024



NHS Dorset (also known as Dorset ICB) is responsible for planning to meet the needs of people and communities across Dorset. Working closely with a broad range of partners across the NHS, local authorities and many others, we want to make sure everyone in Dorset has a chance to live their best life. While we still need to give medical care when it is needed, we also want to work with people to focus on preventing illness and promoting wellbeing.

We are an ambitious organisation, but we are also an outcomes-focused one, as evidenced by our core five commitments to: improve the lives of 100,000 people impacted by poor mental health; prevent 55,000 children from becoming overweight (by 2040); reduce the gap in healthy life expectancy from 19 years to 15 years (by 2043); increase the percentage of older people living well and independently across our patch; and to add 100,000 health life years to the people of Dorset by 2033.

To help us with this agenda, we are now looking to appoint two new Non Executive Members (NEMs) to our board. One of these new NEMs will be required to Chair our Risk and Audit Committee and so will need to bring a strong background in strategic finance gained at, or very close to, board level within a large and complex organisation. For the other new NEM we are more open on background, but we have identified both community engagement and digital transformation as two areas that would benefit from additional NEM input. With both roles we want people who are aligned with our values and who can bring independent challenge and promote open decision making.

To learn more about how you can help us make Dorset the healthiest place to live, please call or email our recruitment partners Jenny Adrian and Rhiannon Smith, at Hunter Healthcare on: 07939 250362 or

Candidate Information Pack – Chair, Risk and Audit Committee – Independent Non-Executive Member

Candidate Information Pack – Independent Non-Executive Member

Longlisting: w/c 25 November 2024

Shortlisting: December 2024

Interviews: 6 January 2025


November 18, 2024

Application Deadline