Hunter Healthcare is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion across the healthcare sector. As part of that commitment, we are working with the Jabali Men’s Network to identify and promote opportunities for senior male healthcare professionals in the NHS. This is transformational allyship in action.

The Jabali Network is a network of senior male nurses from African, Asian and Caribbean backgrounds. The network supports each other to develop and to inspire future generations.


Allyship stands on four pillars: listening, learning, speaking up, and taking action. Allies listen, empathise, educate themselves, speak against discrimination, and actively uplift ethnic minorities. By engaging in allyship, we create a more equitable workplace, where everyone can succeed. Let’s stand together, fostering a culture of allyship that empowers all individuals… that’s the magic!

Senior healthcare staff from the ‘global majority’ are underrepresented in senior leadership positions within the NHS. The percentage of individuals from ethnic backgrounds in very senior managerial roles has been significantly lower than their representation in the overall workforce. This is why we value the support from committed allies to challenge this paradigm because ultimately this affects all.


Jabali members are high achievers with a drive to succeed. We do this with meticulous intent and dedication to our profession and organisation. Doing things well is in Jabali’s DNA. We take accountability for seeing our work through and delivering on our commitments.


The Jabali brotherhood embodies deep mutual respect and support, creating a strong, enduring bond that goes beyond friendship. It unites us in our shared experiences and challenges, fostering solidarity and collective well-being.

This brotherhood enriches our community, encouraging us to lead with compassion and empower each other. It stands as a testament to unity, proving that together, we are more resilient. Chosen with purpose, our brotherhood is a journey of cooperation and love, building a legacy of hope for the future. Jabali’s brotherhood transforms us, ensuring everyone is valued and empowered to thrive.


With a collective voice, Jabali Men’s Network actively advocates for the interests and needs of its members within the healthcare sector. This includes addressing issues of inequality, promoting diversity in leadership roles, and working towards systemic change in healthcare institutions, particularly in areas where members of the global majority are underrepresented.


We are obsessed with uplifting each other whilst inspiring the future generations. We focus on retaining talent. Diverse leadership teams are shown to be more innovative and effective in problem-solving, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes.

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Transformational Allyship in Action – Hunter Healthcare – Jabali Men’s Network